The RoofNeck - Duct transition connection

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Simplify duct connections with The RoofNeckTM, a transition connection between the internal duct work and the external roof vent termination for faster connections and accurate installations.

Including The RoofNeck in your project not only strengthens the connection! It’s easy for an HVAC tech to install The RoofNeck on the attic interior ahead of the roofing team completing their part. It works the same conversely, where teams can benefit from performing the work independently.

The RoofNeck works with a non-collared exterior roof vent, such as the DryerJack 477.

Proudly manufactured in the USA of heavy 26 gauge Galvalume steel, this product is best suited for sloped roofs with flat profile cement tiles and other composite shingles.

Installation is easy!


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